Theoretical Physics of Condensed Matter
- Electronic and Magnetic Structure of Materials, Magnetic Phase Transition Phenomena, Spintronic (Ph. Mavropoulos).
- Metamaterials and Nanophotonics (K. Tsakmakidis).
- Non-linear waves and solitons (D. Frantzeskakis).
- Nanostructures and Biomaterials (C. Simserides).
- Photonic and Phononic Nanostructures (N. Stefanou).
Experimental Physics of Condensed Matter
- Low Frequency Variations of the Electric and the Magnetic Field of the Earth Preceding Earthquakes-Electric Properties fo Solids under Uni-axial Pressure.(N. Sarlis-E. Skordas.)
- Nanostructured Materials for Energy Application (V. Likodimos).
- Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices (S. Gardelis).
- Soft Matter Physics (I. Lelidis).
- Solid Earth Materials-Piezoelectric Polymer Nanocomposites (A. Papathanasiou).
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems and Hybrid Materials (D. Stamopoulos).
Laboratories and Equipment
- Dielectric Spectroscopy - High Pressure Physics (A. Papathanasiou).
- Liquid Crystals (I. Lelidis).
- Low Frequency Variations of the Electric and the Magnetic Field of the Earth Preceding Earthquakes-Electric Properties fo Solids under Uni-axial Pressure.(N. Sarlis-E. Skordas.
- Nanostructured Materials for Energy Applications (V. Likodimos).
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems and Hybrid Materials (D. Stamopoulos).
- Shared Research Laboratory